Monday 27 January 2020

Hairy riff

Definite signs of spring out there, a bit grey weather wise, but the plants are not hanging around to wait. Snowdrops are out, the Scilla showing distinctive colour and fresh growth is popping out all over the place. We've had a good few hard frosts now which was a relief in a way and I'm sure there will be a few more coming up although the forecast isn't for much overnight cold down here at the moment.
The idea of getting the pre-season hassles out of the way before we get too busy has continued, with the van in for reversing camera and indicator repair and a replacement drive chain needed for the potting machine that died within a few hours of starting up. To be fair it happens fairly regularly after a long period laying idle, any parts that were 'on the verge' of misbehaving, stiffen up ready for disruption. Luckily we had just finished the first potting session of the year, having potted some fab strawberry plants and a raspberry variety we are trying out. There are a couple of new strawberry varieties in there too so watch out for those making an appearance latter in the season. One of them is supposed to be particularly good according to our plant health inspector, who spotted them on last week's visit.
I suppose that is another big hassle more or less sorted, we got the thumbs up from our APHA inspector for all our plant passport changes, which was a relief, and we have finished over-sticking the 160,000 perennial colour labels. Perfect timing for the new wooden label storage boxes to be installed, ready for the next delivery of our waterproofed card colour labels which are due any minute. The FSC wood arrived for the boxes on Thursday, so construction will begin over the weekend. Sadly I'm not sure that will be long enough to finish the job, with 4,000 bits to pin together I have a feeling I may have underestimated the timing of this job, which will be a surprise to no-one other than me. At least it should be a one off job and a bit different to the usual stuff, so it's a bit like a holiday really, a change is as good as a rest!
Big night out last weekend with Otway and Barrett playing King Somborne village hall. We first saw them on one of our firsdates at Chelmsford Odeon supporting Squeeze back in 81 and have followed Otway (and sometimes Wild Willy) since. Very entertaining evening, haven't laughed so much for ages. Came away with a nice souvenir, which is now hanging on the wall, Willy's guitar for the last song, scarred with the damage from his entertaining percussive efforts (saw cuts and hammer holes). There's nothing quite like live music.
Price changes for 2020
Don't forget the new prices for the new season. A very modest rise for the year of an average of less than 2% can be seen on the prices page of the 2020 flipbook catalogue which came into force on January 1st (link attached to this email). If we pre- price your deliveries, you might want to review your prices for the year and let us know of any changes so that we can adjust your records and make sure we have the printing plates and labels ready to roll for your first delivery.
Availability lists
Plants are definitely waking up. A flush of tight fresh green growth is showing through on many, the buds are swelling and the odd flash of colour showing. The snowdrops (Galanthus) are thrusting through nicely, with the flashes of white flower and plenty of bud in evidence. We have a few new small Narcissus to look forward to this spring and they are looking strong. Crocus Remembrance are well up and their little fat flower buds are there. The dark blue flowers of Scilla sibirica are breaking the surface of the pot, such a strong colour so early in the year. It's sister plant S. mischtshenkoana has pretty paler two tone flowers which are showing really wellThere is the odd flower opening on our home sown wild primroses (P. vulgaris) above tight little plants. The plants will expand and more flowers appear as the temperatures and light levels improve. The earliest Erysimums are budding up too, it might be a little while before colour appears but they are there. Primula denticulata Rubra is showing colour now with the lilac/purple form close behind. We still have a few Cyclamen coum in bud and flower to see us through the couple of weeks and buds are showing while the weather is favourable (Armeria, Scabiosa, Dianthus).
There are also quite a few evergreen plants looking happy enough over the winter period, so we can make a nice display up of stock with the promise of the good times ahead. Spring flowering Euphorbia, Bergenia and Doronicum are good anLeucanthemum, Papaver, Stachys and Digitalis are all looking smart. Polemonium Heaven Scent always puts on a great early show and they are currently sprouting attractive chunky bronze foliaged rosettes, before the buds appear in a few weeks.
Best wishes for a great season, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.