That was a bit of a shock. Not only was is very hot this week, but super busy on the sales front too, it was all quite a juggle in the end. We were without the Isuzu big van until Thursday, which was in for a new power steering pump under warrantee. We had hoped for quick turnaround, but despite our garage contacting them to book it in and telling them what was wrong, they didn't order the parts until they had looked at it themselves, adding at least a day to the whole process. However at least it is back on the road and currently behaving itself. This left us with 2 out of 5 vans operational early in the week, so it was back to the hire company for a temporary substitute. Surprisingly the infamous Fiat which has spent more time in the garage this year than out on the road made a reappearance on Wednesday evening. Set off on its delivery on Thursday and made it 10 miles before the usual fault reappeared. It limped home and we reloaded into the hire van to have another go. It is now back to its regular new home, the compound at the garage. The manager is now taking charge and they hope to resolve the issue sometime soon! The last missing van made it back on site today, fitted out with a brand new particulate filter at a cost of £4,000. Hoping it will go a few more miles to help pay that back. We will give it a good road test next week.
More plants are piling onto the nursery, mostly for next year's crops and it's all getting a bit tense as we try and juggle despatch time with tunnel clearance and potting. After a satisfying potting output last week, this week was very low, a lot of time in despatch, several absentees on well earned holidays and a few simply missing in action, meant we got less than a day on the machine. The compost lorry missing its delivery this week didn't help, due its own breakdown, which means we can't even catch up over the weekend. The amount of stock looking for a pot to grow in is getting scary and the main reason I'm waking all hot and bothered in the night, but hey-ho it will all get done in the end, it always does.
Planning for our little 50kW solar array is officially in and notices posted. The planners are happy with it so hopefully it will sail through and we can get on with installing it before the sun gets too low on the horizon. The tilting frames should help anyway but very much looking forward to them complimenting the wind turbines with loads of extra output.
We have a fab showing of wild orchids on the donkey paddock, must be a good year for them. Look great in the field, sadly, crap in a pot. A bit like most Alliums, the foliage has mostly gone when the flowers bloom, but well worth an admiring photo.
Availability list.
A new compact and very early flowering range of Asters is now on stream. The Alpha series has fresh green foliage and very neat domed habit carrying masses of flower. They are already in bud and it won't be long before colour appears. The first batches of the summer and autumn flowering mini garden Chrysanthemums are already in bud.
Summer flowering Crocosmia are now throwing up bud, with the tall striking scarlet Lucifer and shorter golden George Davidson doing their thing. Lobelia in colour now in a range of colours. Starship Scarlet in particular is looking really good. The Gaillardia Guapa series we are trying out are looking great. Strong and compact the first buds are already out.
Summer colour is on its way with the Gaura range doing it's thing. Hoping to have a good run of availability over the next few months but they are selling so fast there may be the odd short break. Three colour forms of Coreopsis Uptick, strong, compact and bushy with bright standout flowers. With such a long flowering period it looks like a winner to me.
New range for this year is the Helenium Hayday series, Five colours, nice and compact and already showing good colour. Fresh crops of Erigeron karv. Stallone with its tiny multicolour daisy flowers that come all summer long are back on the list. Salvia's of all sorts are now growing strongly and producing the first of many flowers.
Sanguisorba Tanna is throwing up lots of bud. Attractive foliage and subtle flowers make it a classic garden plant. Sunshine yellow flowers of Euryops chrysanthemoides are beginning to open, another all summer performer. Masses of bud and colour to come with the Bidens summer range. Already making an eye catching show they look fab. The earliest batches of Dianthus are producing flower stems and tight bud. All are scented varieties and very bushy. The hardy Osteospermum Tresco Purple are in bud. Excellent bushy stock with buds fattening.
Armeria Dreameria series of long season flowering Armerias are now showing their first colour with loads more to come. No white this year but a series of three pretty different pinks making a delightful show. The more standard classic Sea Thrift Armeria maritima are also showing bud too above fresh new growth. Nemesia Wisley Vanilla is back on the list and in flower. Delightful heady vanilla scent as you walk anywhere near it. Many of the Leucanthemums are coming into strong bud now with first flowers opening. The Balloon Flower Platycodon Twinkle Blue and Twinkle White are now well into bud with the odd flash of colour, Rhodanthemum's are also in bud, ready to flower all summer long.
Best wishes from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.