Ok here we go. Loads of blue skies, not too much wind and just a touch of frost, ideal hardy plant buying weather. The first week of March always used to be a major kick off point for our season, plants are beginning to grow and some even showing bud and flower. It promises so much for the coming warmer months, but it's too early for the bedding crops to take up too much attention. In the last few seasons our sales have crept forwards with our super busy period now starting a few weeks later, not sure if it's been the rubbish spring weather of recent years or the higher number of visitor centres we are serving, where peak footfall usually kicks in a little later. Whatever the reason there isn't a lot we can do about it, we just try and cope with whatever the week throws at us. The forecast looks so lovely down here over the next few days, I can't believe there isn't going top be a big flush of activity next week, fingers crossed.
I think we are going to adopt Pete our now virtually resident electrician. He says next week will definitely be the last! He has achieved a lot and we are now much warmer and safer with new kit installed all over the place. The other projects continue to frustrate us in our efforts to get everything sorted before the Spring rush, but, touch wood, all the vans are operational.
We have sprung another leak in the main irrigation tank with the new liner. The installation team are coming back next week to search for the nick they think they must have made when they replaced the top ring of corrugated panels a few weeks ago. We are busy pumping out the tank again so they can get inside it on Tuesday. Luckily the other tank was empty so we are able to pump the water from one to the other rather than seeing any go to waste. We have managed a refurb of the irrigation pump shed, a good clear out and reorganisation of kit and a few tools, should make it much easier to get the nematodes (vine weevil predators) and new micronutrient additives, we ordered last week, applied. I have also reprogrammed the irrigation computer to simplify the applications and rewritten the instruction sheets to make it really easy for anyone to get the job done. It is something we are now going to be doing weekly through the growing season, so getting better organised and making the job easier should make a significant cumulative difference. It's tweaking those little things and making those little advances that keep things positive and moving forward.
Last weekend I sowed my first big batch of plants through the new seeding machine. It was not seamless but overall ok. Certainly quicker than doing it by hand but still a lot to sort out with so many nozzle sizes to pick from and so many little bits of kit to have handy so you don't waste to much time looking for stuff. I spent today building a set of small shelves and a drawer to hang under the machine, so everything has its place close at hand, I'm hoping it will help.
One of Springs natural wonders took place here last weekend. Friday evening there was absolutely no activity in the main nursery pond, but by Saturday morning it was alive with croaking and very active frogs, thrashing about in a lot of frogspawn. There were well over 30 in there but two days later and they have all gone, leaving just the spawn behind. They are a bit later than other years but it's a bigger quantity than the last few years, which is encouraging. Hopefully the resulting froglets will help keep the bugs at bay later in the year. The newts and toads will follow on later, but they don't create quite the song and dance that the frog chorus make.
Prices for 2025
If you have your pots pre-priced by ourselves and would like to adjust your retail prices, please do let us know as soon as you can so we can make sure our records are correct and I can get some labels printed in readiness. Thanks.
Availability list.
The spring bulbs are making their early start with several varieties already up and showing. Not a lot of bud just yet.
Fritillaria (Snakes Head Lilly) are now on the list and flower buds are appearing quickly so get them while they are hot.
All the Pulmonaria varieties are now in bud although we have already sold out of Blue Ensign and Trevi Fountain. The pale blue Opal looks lovely at the moment and Majeste is coming into its best.
Pulsatilla vulgaris Pinwheel in all colour forms have shot up over the last week. They come straight into flower, so bud is already on show. The red form is slightly behind the others so I haven't put that one as being in bud, but I suspect by half way through next week it will be there.
Allium Purple Rain is the earliest of our larger Alliums to make an appearance and is looking really smart. They are grown without heat so exposed to frost and nicely toughened.
Narcissus bulbocodium White Petticoat are now in bud. Small and dainty, these Hoop Petticoat Narcissus are a delight but won't hang around long. Sorry but Julia Jane has already sold out, I'll do more next year.
Several of the other compact Narcissus are now showing bud too. Tete a Tete looks particularly good at the moment. Pretty blue and white flowers of Scilla mischtschenkoana are now just showing, get them while you can.
There are now plenty of Wild Primrose (P. vulgaris) looking great, in bud and flower with lots more to follow. They are from our own saved seed I collect from the new wood at the top of our field, so properly wild!
Take care, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.