Monday, 1 March 2010

Sun is out for a second or two, but the forecast is not brilliant for kicking off the start of the planting season. It’ll happen one day, meantime it’s a great time to get prepared. Our label printing and counting/bundling is bowling along, I expect you can hear the label printer chugging away in the background as I write this. It makes the whole office shake, including the computer screen which wobbles about in time to stamping. At my age it’s about the only time when the earth still moves for me!
I got a reply this week from Mr Oki about the sustainable printer issues I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. I bored a young chap senseless with my views on the world of wastefulness and he promised to pass on my comments to other departments who also may contact me. It was worth the effort, as I felt much better for doing something, however minor, and he did send me a special release code to reset the offending fuser unit if the same fatal error occurs. Rather reassuringly the first instruction was to turn the printer off & on again as that can sometimes work on its own!
I had a fascinating trip behind the scenes at the Eden Project this week. It is an astonishingly big enterprise, they employ 450 people AYR, which swells to 600+ in the summer, utilising a whole range of skills. From the highly creative PR and promotional teams, scientific experts backing up the horticultural work, accountants and research staff, the craftsmen creating all the stuff used around the gardens, the mini food prep factory, to the vital gardening staff, stewards and drivers getting the public into and around the site. Although they don’t manage to run the whole operation at a profit, it does have a massive impact on the local community and economy, as well as positively influencing an enormous number of visitors to the site. I have been to the site on several occasions, since before it was opened, and I always come away feeling inspired by something and wanting to do more to make stuff better.
Have a good week!

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