Sunday, 24 July 2011

Not sure what to say this morning. The events in Norway and the loss of Amy Winehouse cast quite a long shadow and it is easy to appear flippant and uncaring by trying to be positive and groovy. Unfortunately my dad isn’t feeling too bright either so I’m not going to say too much today which is a bit of a shame when this week could have been very jolly with the new turbines complete, commissioned and running as I write this.

I suppose it just goes to show how vulnerable we all are to whatever unknown event is around the corner. We aren’t perhaps as indestructible as we hoped and life is often unfair and too short. We are all basically soft and squishy on physical and psychological levels and we need to be taking more care of everyone and everything around us, don’t waste your opportunities, appreciate how lucky we are to have what we’ve got and don’t undervalue yourself or others.

I was thinking about socks this morning. Aren’t they great. Quite a complicated thing to make to achieve all of a socks goals but they make life that little bit easier, comfy and luxurious. Extrapolate. We are lucky really, make the most of it.

Eco News

Turbines running now. Quite surprised by the amount generated in light summer breezes of the first couple of days and how much extra was produced with the slightly stiffer breeze over the last 24 hours. I will put some figures together soon.

I have managed to break into my You Tube account and put on a video of one of our turbines being lifted into position if anyone fancies a look.

Nature Notes

Second brood of swallows from the same nest fledged this morning. There are loads of tiny frogs hopping about in the tunnels closest to the main pond with quite a few toads and newts too. Explosion of hoverflies this last week or two which should help keep the aphid at bay.

Have a good week, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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