Monday, 6 August 2012

Morning all,

What a spectacular success the Olympics looks like being. It’s not just the recent flush of medals which was great, but the joy and spirit before. It looks to be there at all levels from the athletes, the crowds, the volunteers, even the media seem to have dropped the usual cynicism. The BBC coverage has been great with such exhaustive content and positive commentating and interviewing. I have listened to quite a bit on the great 5Live radio channel when I have been too busy to sit and watch and they get so excited it is infectious as they dodge about from one event to another. I’m so glad it has gone so well and I hope that the positive spirit runs over when all the athletes go home, life gets a lot easier when so many pull in one direction. I suspect retail sales generally might get a bit dented over this couple of weeks as so much time is set aside to watch sports we would never normally give a second glance to. So many lovely, moving moments already, well done to everyone involved whether it is participating in some way or just supporting, it is inspirational on so many levels.

I have heard that some were particularly impressed by the American rowing fours at yesterdays medal ceremony but I have no comment to make on that.

We could certainly do with a bit of a lift on the nursery as the rubbish spring and summer weather continues to have an impact on day to day progress. It would be great to just write off the season and get stuck into a new one but we are still battling to clear up and make space for the new crops which provides constant reminders of how difficult this year has been.

It is a shame, as this summer the preparations for next year’s crops have gone really well. We have found a stonking peat free compost after some more very frustrating trials this spring, we have incorporated new top dressings on the young plant modules and the coir pots which are reducing the amount of liverwort and moss growing on the compost surface and we have now completed the first 5 weeks of our lean management training for all the permanent staff. The irrigation system is working much better after increasing the supply pipe diameter around the nursery and the LED lighting in the lab growth room is doing a great job. Let’s hope the Olympic wave will carry us through.

Eco News

One year of wind turbine generation complete, first annual service done and the longest run yet of ten weeks without any technical hitches (touch wood). Caroline got taken up one of the turbines for a look from the top and took some great pictures, she was thrilled so big thanks to the engineers for organising that. It looked very exciting from the pictures, but not really my scene, I couldn’t even watch Caroline go up let alone set foot on the ladder!

If you need a fax list please let us know, pick it up from the website or alternately send an email address. Have a good week, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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