Monday, 3 September 2012

Disappointingly damp this morning after promises that the weather was going to pick up a bit. After the shocker of a year on the nursery it would be a relief if the farming side of the family at least managed to get the harvest off the fields while the grain prices are up, but the summer continues to frustrate. From what I gather the yields aren’t brilliant and the quality not as high as usual but the prices would make up for that if they could just get it in the barn and dried. In a good year they often get the main crops in by the bank holiday but I know they are still on the oats which means they haven’t even started on the wheat yet. Luckily due to the earlier lack of sun the ripening was delayed so there is still some time to rescue things, they just need a decent dry spell. Good luck to them, we wished for that for several months without success. Still there is always next year, which looks like being fab.

Another wave of positive stuff with the Paralympics going on, which is just fantastic. It is difficult not to be moved by events and excited by so many of the sports. Ellie in the swimming last night was a really gutsy race and the wheelchair basket ball has been a spectacle in itself. Watching the performances of all those taking part, not just the winners, is inspiring and I hope we all pick up what we can all achieve with the right approach. I just hope the media which seems to have fallen in love with the positive messages maintains this approach after the flame goes out. Their influence on the public mood is huge and it would be nice to see a drive towards battling against and overcoming problems rather than just getting stroppy about them. Just off for my first hockey game of the new season, just a friendly between us oldies and the academy team. I suspect they may have the edge on fitness, especially as I am still recovering from the over indulgencies of my holiday and haven’t really done anything energetic since hanging up my stick at the end of last season. Not expecting to be able to walk tomorrow.

Eco News

August wind turbine output was slightly up on anticipated, but still not enough yet to overcome the low winds in early spring .

Overall we are really pleased with their performance especially as they now seem to have overcome the initial technical hiccups which caused a few stoppages. We have had a nice run of just over 3 months without a hitch (famous last words!).

Have a good week, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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