Monday, 8 July 2013


Morning all,

Very busy week on the sales front his last week which was perfect timing having got all vans back on the road again . Hopefully the Hampton Court Show will give another little boost to sales if everyone hasn’t cleared off to the beach. At least with the better weather now everyone has the opportunity to get out there, use and appreciate their gardens and perhaps want to add to them. With a bit of luck the heat-wave won’t be too long and we can all get back to achieving something again as it cools off. Maybe a good performance from Andy on finals day will give everyone a boost too, there’s nothing like a bit of positive excitement to give everyone a lift.

Next seasons potting now well underway as the nursery begins to refill ready for next year. The bulk of the production is a few weeks off yet but rushing closer and loads of young plants are being currently being pricked-out into big plugs ready for the later summer potting. It’s all go. Higher temperatures add an extra little bit of tension to the week with plants suffering quickly if something goes awry and sure enough last Sunday the irrigations pumps tripped out the electrics and we had to get the electricians in. They did a great job in getting us up and running quickly using one pump rather than two but it looks like the pump control circuit board has gone, which will cost over £1,000 to replace (that’s just the parts cost) and we are naturally a few months past the warranty period. We may be able to get the board repaired although I can’t say I’m that hopeful. Let’s hope this isn’t a regular occurrence with these variable speed pumps, it’s great that they are cheaper to run but we are going to have to save a lot of electric to cover this one. Ho hum.

As the temperatures are expected to rise to near 30C tomorrow we have devised a perfect plan for a relaxing Sunday away from the crowds. A 5 mile walk on the Oxfordshire hill tops, great planning for someone who hates getting too hot! Despite the overheating prospects I am still looking forward to a day off meeting with great friends, poking at some ancient archaeology, communing with nature and supporting some rural hostelries. I will put Andy on tape to watch in the cool of the summers evening.


Short and chunky Lythrum Robin are colouring up nicely, a great addition to the border and loved by the butterflies and bees.

Exotic Oxalis is up and in bud. Purple foliage and pale pink flowers of O. triangularis are stunning. Iron Cross is in flower too.

Just a few Kniphofia Flamenco left in bud, a lovely range of colours.

Campanula carpatica short and chunky with masses of buds coming. Available in blue or white but not many left.

Platycodon varieties are just showing their first buds. Those balloon flowers are just awesome.

Stunning foliage colours of Heuchera Melting Fire, Marvellous Marble and Palace Purple alongside the fresh strong green of Malachite, all great additions to any garden.

Delicate pale yellow flowers of Coreopsis Moonbeam looking fab.

Just a few of our fantastic sky blue Salvia’s left, all very well budded and showing great colour.

Summer must be here as most of the Hemerocallis are showing plenty of bud with some colour.

Plenty of bud showing on the deliciously scented Garden Pinks Dianthus.

The bright tiny scrambling flowers of Dianthus Brilliancy and Flashing Light are now shouting.

Very strong Tradescantia plants in many colours with bud and flower colour in abundance. The dwarf and chunky Satin Doll are just starting opening now.

We have our best Japanese Anemones ever at the moment, stonkingly bushy plants. Hadspen Abundance are showing signs of flowering already although only a few left, but the delightful pink flowered Serenade is now budding and looking even stronger.

The grasses are coming into their own at the moment. Carex Evergold and Ice Dance both look fantastic and the silver variegated Miscanthus Morning Light is very strong this year with the first delicate flower heads just appearing.

Nature notes

Another exciting new visitor in the garden this week with our first Nuthatch. It was using the feeders, which we keep going all year, and has been around now for a few days. This one is a bit shy at the moment, I wonder if it is a youngster, it is a bit pale in its colouring. It may have had a tough spring and have lost confidence in itself, it can happen.

We have been hearing quite a bit of the turtle doves during the week although only fleetingly seen.

House martins loving this weather and feeding all around the house and nursery, still calling in at the yard puddle for building materials although we are now having to keep it wet artificially.

Just look up to see the house martins wheeling and the turbines turning to lift the heart.

Have a good week, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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