Monday, 7 March 2016

Hairy Fumes

Morning all,
Sorry no time for nursery news today. Time is short, just wasted 2 hours down at the village hall sitting through a meeting to ‘discuss’ the local college proposal to build a biogas plant. It was actually a meeting to discuss how to protest against it, not exactly a balanced delivery although to be honest the mood from the parish council has been pretty negative from the original announcement so it was no great surprise. They did at the end ask if there was anyone supporting the application and two hands where raised, brave souls. Sure there are some valid vehicle movement concerns although it all appears to be away from the village and relatively light in comparison to the vast movements of students and horse boxes that go on, but nothing that caused me too much worry. Being one of the dummies who raised their hands I was asked if I wanted to comment but I declined, the adrenaline was running and there didn’t seem much point knocking down some of the sensationalist presentations to sensible levels as I suspect the battle with that particular audience is lost and I was quite likely to lose the plot along the way! It is quite a big plant so could make a significant contribution to relatively carbon neutral gas production, and it would get fed straight into the mains supply so might help neutralise some of the areas shocking carbon output. Anyway, having alienated most of the village and messed up my morning I’m now off to run about in my shorts and get walloped in Petersfield (It’s a popular pastime in these rural parts).
Availability highlights
Still early days yet, but there are a lot of early signs of plant activity, many not quite ready for the list but it won’t be long if the weather doesn’t take a dive. Pulmonaria’s looking good showing bud and some colour. The ever popular Erysimum’s are doing really well. Two of the most popular varieties, Red Jep and Bowles Mauve, are looking great, dark green foliage, bushy with bud showing. The Bowles Mauve are showing a little colour as the first buds open, this variety just goes on & on flowering until the frostsPulsatilla’s are now coming through nicely with a few buds developing nicely. The overwintered Lupin’s, Digitalis and Delph’s are all looking full of promise and vigour.
The Tulips, Alliums and Camassia are bursting through with roots ripping through the pot sides, if anyone needs a few bulbs, Fritillarias are nicely showing now and there is already the odd nodding bud appearing too.
Have a good one, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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