Monday, 10 April 2017

Hairy Impression

Morning all,

What a great run of weather, getting a bit warm for me, but next week looks a bit cooler which hopefully will keep things
from getting out of hand. There’s nothing worse than over excitement and getting your knickers in a twist, it really makes you walk funny.
We timed getting the new van perfectly and it had a really good run in this week, loads of deliveries to get through and still had the comedy van to pick up the odds and ends rather than the beaten up farm transit which we have at last returned. I must get the fuel figures calculated and compare it to the other van, it certainly goes further on a tank but it is bigger which helps, but it just feels more efficient. That feeling may well be down to ‘new van love’ so need to get the calculator out. Eventually managed to get away last Saturday evening and organised a lift into town with nephew Tom on condition I bought us both supper before the Spring Ball at Winchester Guildhall. Tom very gamely donned his full DJ outfit to Zizzis so I didn’t feel to out of place and we made a real impression on all the other rather casually attired diners. Had a delicious pizza and a couple of tasty beers to get me nicely warmed up for Joey and the Jivers afterwards. A good band and wall to
wall dancing made for a great evening even though Caroline didn’t make it until late on, having been to see Saints draw 0-0
with local rivals Bournemouth in a evening kick off game. She reckons it was a good game although it was still billed last on Match of the Day!
Must go, the potters are going to be one man down in a minute and we can’t slow down the machine at this time of year. Pre-Easter week coming up so everyone’s going to be really busy. We will try and get all orders away before Friday but we are working Friday and Saturday so there may still be a few deliveries still left to do on Friday, so please bear with us, we will be doing our best. The earlier orders are with us the better, as usual but we will always try to accommodate any late entries if we can.

Availability highlights
Masses of delicate pale blue flowers of Veronica gentanoides are on the way. Lots of bud on chunky plants.
Growth is bursting forth and spring is in the air. Stock is flying out in the nice run of weather, so just hoping we don’t run out! Monster plants with a mass of bud on show on the Ajuga Burgundy Glow.
Verbascum Phoeniceum Hybrids have thrust out their flower stems, with a mix of colours to follow.
Primula japonica Millers Crimson are just beginning to show their bud in the crown, they won’t take long to shoot away. Subtle white flowers with a blue flush opening on the Symphytum Wisley Blue, lovely strong plants.
Camassia Cusickii are show stong buds now, the other varieties will be close behind, just a few left.
The snakes head lily (Fritillaria) are produced their delightful flowers, just a few left. Salvia’s are coming into bud now, short and chunky, no colour yet but full of promise. Really chunky Lupins and Digitalis are looking great, full of vigour and promise.
Allium christophii and Purple Sensation are showing early bud now, three in a pot and looking fine.
Thalictrum flower stems really do thrust up (they are doing it now!), eventually getting quite tall, producing delightful flowers. The ever popular Erysimum Bowles Mauve are already showing bud and the odd splash of colour. Bud also present on the last few lovely Red Jep.
The first buds are appearing on a batch of very nice Catanache. Don’t hang about they won’t last long.
Tulips are all showing bud now but not many in stock so don’t hang about.
Brunnera variegate are fattening up quickly and looking cracking, the delightful forget-me-not blue flowers are appearing now. The short orange varieties of Geum Cooky and Koi are flushing into growth nicely, and have flower shoots and buds too. There are a few flower shoots appearing on the Lady Stratheden and Mrs Bradshaw too.
The spring flowering Euphorbia are coming into their own now, lovely plants just watch out for the irritating milky sap.
Vibrant green and lush foliage of Doronicum Little Leo is bursting forth and the sunshine yellow flowers are now appearing. Some of the Aquilegia varieties are thrusting up their flower buds, they won’t be around long.
A lovely flush of bud on the Heuchera Firefly looking strong.
Spring must be here, most of the Hostas have all suddenly shot out of the compost. A lovely range and all beginning to show off their wide variety of leaf designs.
Although not in flower yet the Iris sibirica are proving popular, but don’t miss out on the variety Butter and Sugar which are a delightful pale yellow and white rather than the usual blue and purples. 
Have a good week and Easter weekend from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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