Morning all,
A very quick one today.
I had a few issues last week with sending out our lists. Apparently our email server now doesn't like me sending a list out to multiple addresses above a certain number (not sure how many that is yet) and restricted me to a new limited number per hour. The little tyke shut down my address not once but twice over two days and the only way round it is to send out in little batches over a longer time. It has been perfectly happy for the last 10 years but no more, oh the wonders of modern technology. It has been suggested that we do the same task through Mailchimp which we are going to try and get our heads around for next week. We are all signed up but no idea how to actually send out what we want to just yet. Apparently it will be a wonderful thing once we get going, so hang on to your hats for a mega show next week.
Meanwhile we have power and light in the new office which is very exciting, just need to get the floor in and all the kit before unplugging all the computers and phone system and crossing our fingers perhaps next weekend?
We have had a really busy week sending out lots of orders which is great. The warmer air made life a bit more comfortable out in the fresh air, but it has been a tad damp and breezy today. Unpacked all the new non-plastic colour labels yesterday which was a relief. We had the whole lot delivered on one small but quite tall pallet and as we wrestled out those boxes we needed for orders earlier in the week we put them back balanced on the top of the stack. By Thursday it resembled an expensive Jenga stack, in danger of creating a colourful display of spilled labels over the floor of despatch. Got away with it and all now safely put to bed.
Plants for spring potting start arriving next week, can I call it spring potting this early? Office to finish, orders already building up, labels to print, plants to cut back and tidy, it's all go already. Just hoping it doesn't plunge back into anything too cold over the next few weeks so we can get ourselves really up together for what looks like an exciting year ahead.
Don't forget to watch out for us next week under the MailChimp banner. No idea how it will look, but it's progress (I hope).
Availability highlights
Our wild primrose (P. vulgaris) are also bursting into flower already. We saved the seed from the wood on top of our hill and it was worth the effort.
We have a few spring flowering bulbs showing signs of good growth and even the odd bud on a few. Lots more to follow.
We have tried in the past to grow snowdrops (Galanthus) from autumn bulb planting with little joy, so last spring we decided to have a go with some 'in the green' bulbs to establish over the spring and summer, ready for a more natural looking clump to emerge the following spring. It works out as a bit of a long term crop but the clusters appearing now are looking much more as they do in the garden. I suspect they will thicken out more as the weeks pass but then we shorten the season when they are
in bud and flower which would be a shame.
The winter and spring flowering Cyclamen coum varieties we grow are now showing colour. The strain we grow has an exceptionally long flowering season with colour usually showing from November through to March and even April. They rarely get swamped with masses of flower at any one time, they just keep going on, producing a pretty and dainty show for ages. The ever popular Erysimums are looking fresh and strong as we approach the spring. I have marked most varieties with bud although it will be a little while before they show much colour, but the promise is there.
Have a great week from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.
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