Morning all,
Not much room this week for the news and luckily not too much excitement to report. An astonishing weeks weather, with shorts and vests out in force on some days. Modesty forbids me to expose too much myself as I need to maintain a level of decency for the sake of the business!
We managed the move into the new office last weekend. I got all prepared on Saturday and cut all the computer and phone lines early on Sunday. There was a mild panic looking at the pile of wires to join back together, but with only a couple of cables ending up a bit short to reach their destination it was all up and running again by lunchtime. A good tidy up in the afternoon and evening got us in a position to start afresh on Monday on the new location. It's brilliant, can't believe we didn't do this years ago. It's warm, light and the extra foot or two in size makes all the difference. We still need to move a lot of other kit in but hoping to be sorted by the end of this weekend and with a bit of luck we will be able to find everything again.
A very busy week on the sales front thanks to the great weather and the last of the tunnel covers got replaced, so all in all a good week. The first big delivery of potting compost comes in on Wednesday so getting the empty tunnels ready for a potting blitz next week and into the weekend. Must be Spring.
Availability highlights
The spring flowering and super scented Viola oderata varieties are flushing up well after their winter haircut. Plenty of flower bud to come and a few already showing and smelling amazing. We can smell them as we walk past the outside of the tunnel and they make Despatch a delight to work in.
Our wild primrose (Primula vulgaris) are also bursting into flower already. We saved the seed from the wood on top of our hill and it was worth the effort.
Bronzed and ferny foliage of the Polemonium Heaven Scent looks great and tight flower buds are adding to their appeal but not many left. Primula grandiflora Rosea are putting on a show, flashes of vibrant colour beginning to show. Primula denticulata is not far behind with big fat buds bursting through the compost surface. Spring flowering Pulmonarias are all showing bud now with most now opening the odd flower.
The ever popular Erysimums are looking fresh and strong as we approach the spring. I have marked nearly all varieties with bud and colour is close for many, there is the odd open flower on the Super Bowl Mauve, looking very smart. We have some lovely spring flowering bulbs showing signs of good growth and even the odd bud on a few. Lots more to follow. Pushkinia are up this week and showing bud and some pretty colour as are the Amemone blanda White Splendour. We don't have a huge number of the Anemone as we have had issues with these over the past years, but this year is looking better so I will up the numbers again for next time.
One of the Iphieons is showing the occasional bud, it spreads nicely making a good groundcover and flowers here repeatedly through the spring and summer. Muscari varieties are looking really strong with plenty of young buds showing.
The ever popular Snakes Head Lily (Fritillaria meleagris) have their first buds. Their drooping heads are a joy in the garden. Aquilegia Spring Magic Yellow are already in bud. I knew this strain was an early one but it caught me out. No sign of bud in the other colours just yet, but looking chunky. Early flowering Symphytum Wisley Blue are flushing in the little bit of warmth and bud is evident. Subtle pale blue flowers.
Euphorbia martinii are looking great with short strong arching stems producing their early spring display. The crop/potting timing and the winter weather seem to have combined perfectly this year to produce a great crop. Our variegated Brunnera have emerged looking strong. The pretty blue 'forget-me-not' flowers will be just around the corner. The green form are close behind and showing tight bud already.
I've added Pulsatilla to the list this week. They are just bursting through and the almost the first growth to emerge are the spring flower buds. I've not got huge numbers yet but if the weather doesn't get too harsh they are going to romp away. Stonking chunky Lupins on the list this week, having been cut back over winter they are now leaping into strong growth. Digitalis are always evergreen so get off to a head start on many other perennials, we have a good selection of this popular garden plant and they are looking really strong, difficult to believe they stand out in all that cold weather and still look so good. A few of the Dianthus Scent First varieties are carrying flower bud already, full of promise.
Have a great week from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.
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