Sunday, 12 May 2019

Too big and hairy


Sorry, I'm getting later. These four day weeks with a full crew are taking their toll for those of us still here on the other days. I also have to get back out there and service the Saturday potting team so no time for all the exciting news, just a taster. Highlight of the week was Caroline's first sighting of the returning House Martins. Just the one, but a very close encounter. It was stuck in the larder down the side of the fridge. Perfectly ok, if a little startled. Caught it up and set it free. Flew round the house a few times and seems to have gone away now. Probably feeding itself up after a long trip, like you do, so hoping to see them back in numbers in a week or two. Here comes the summer.
Toss up on the low point, either the further delay on getting the Peugeot van back due to a parts delay, or the arrival of the next batch of wooden boxes which arrived just as we were about to run out of old stock. This sounds ok, until we discovered that they had changed the external size and three wouldn't fit on a shelf. Fab. Luckily we had some spare stock of thinner box sides for our box repair jobs, so we were able to knock off the new thicker sides and replace them with our own stock. Fun bit of extra work, good job we aren't busy. Next batch arrived on Friday the correct size so all sorted in the end. Hopefully we have enough now to see us through.

Availability highlights
Dianthus Scent First varieties are back on line. Buds are thrusting through on most varieties although I have only marked those clearly showing at the moment. The ever popular Erysimum Bowles Mauve are looking fabulous as we get into spring. We are now into a later potted batch
with the first flowers close to opening but not much colour showing at the moment just loads of promising buds. Although not in flower, the Hostas are up and looking smart. A fab range with the leaves just now unfurled.
The compact low growing Achillea Desert Eve range is now on line and coming into bud. The short Milly Rock series are also showing signs of budding up. Lovely batches of the classic Geum Lady Stratheden and Mrs Bradshaw are ready to go. Buds are well on their way.
We still have a few really strong Japanese Anemone for sale. Chunky over wintered plants raring to go. One of my favourites. Rudbeckia Goldsturm and the various Echinacea varieties are selling well. They will be a while before they produce flower but they are great plants. The next batches of the Salvia nemerosa Sensation series are coming on line with buds pushing through. A good range of colours which just keep coming.
We also have a new compact form of the deep purple upright Salvia Caradonna which is a stunner in itself. The new form has early bud showing and I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs. The old favourite Erodium Bishops Form is back on the list again and already carrying plenty of bud on tidy plants. Last few Erigeron Wayne Roderick are available this week, which will be followed by Sea Breeze Pink which is threatening bud on strong very chunky plants. There is the very occasional flower but not yet the full flush I'm looking for. We have a very smart batch of the short variegated grass Carex Evergold. We accidentally gave it a rather overzealous and very short haircut back in the early spring, but it has recovered beautifully with a fresh flush of clean strong growth. I'll try and remember that one for next year.
Have a great week from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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