Monday, 2 September 2019

Agent Hairy

After the heat of last week it looks like a little taste of autumn for the weekend. Still plenty of good growing weeks to come but the pressure is on here to get as much potting done as quickly as possible to make the most of the day-length and warmth.
I know it must be close to autumn because I have just ordered in our bulb compost mix in readiness for the delivery at the end of September. I have been told not to get too carried away with things after the excitement of a very busy season, and I have tried to be careful, but on adding up the number of bulb pots to be potted I seem to have increased the production by about 40%! I couldn't resist a bit of upcoming spring optimism and a few new varieties. It'll be fine, no worries, just need to keep the mice and squirrels at bay.
With all the political turmoil over the recent days and weeks we are just having a few concerns as to how we keep the flow of cuttings and seedlings coming onto the nursery in the event of no-deal. HMRC have been on to us this week with all the new rules, regulations and processes we would need to do to bring in material from Europe. We are signed up with all the necessary departments I think, and got our ID codes, but they are suggesting that we may need to use specialist import/export agents to make sure all the admin is sorted and correct, to prevent any potentially disastrous delays. Luckily we won't be doing any plants movements for a few months after the end of October so the dust will hopefully have settled by then and we can make a bit more sense of everything. There could be some significant cost implications I suspect if we all start having to use agents, but it could well encourage more use of UK growers in the long run which must be good for the industry. Luckily a high proportion of our propagation stock already comes from UK suppliers so it's not the end of the world but it adds another challenge.
We have a bit of a mass exodus over the next few weeks as loads of staff take well earned holidays and students slip away back to university. The reduction in numbers potentially could easily dent the potting output, but I'm hoping that the time saved with the new bed cleaner will free up one or two staff to keep the machine going and get those numbers done. Just adds a bit of extra excitement at the end of a long season.
Apologies to anyone who tried to phone last week and missed us. We had a couple of days when the new phone system periodically dropped out. Something to do with failing to hold the internet gate open for calls to come in. Hoping it is now on a permanent latch. Having said that, the new router did drop out earlier today and we lost all hi-fibre stuff including the phones. We were only off for a minute or two as it was cured with the usual 'turn it off and on again' solution, but it doesn't exactly fill you with confidence when we are now so dependent on having that link.

Availability highlights
Rudbeckia Little Goldstar is now showing masses of bud and a hint of colour. We still sell lots of the taller classic Goldsturm which is a fabulous garden plant but Goldstar is dramatically shorter and neater. Only a few left. Coreopsis Sunkiss and Illico are showing great colour. A bright show with lots of flower to come.
Classic summer flowering Montbretia (Crocosmia) still showing good bud and colour. Just Carmine Brilliant and Babylon left. Yet another fresh batch of Erigeron Stallone is coming into colour, it just goes on and on.
Pale yellow Leucanthemum's Banana Creme are looking stunning, very strong, lots of bud and showing good colour. The first batches of our mini Chrysanthemum (Garden Mums) are growing away well. Lovely bushy plants with lots of bud already showing and more to come. The odd splash of colour so far, but they will soon be showing off nicely.
We have a few varieties of Phlox coming into bud after a late haircut, looking fresh, full of promise and not too tall. The short orange Geum varieties Koi and Cooky are coming up with another batch of bud and flower. Autumn must be on its way with a few Sedum Autumn Joy and Matrona in bud. We have trimmed them short to flower low, but the flowers are still going to make a great show. The neat little Erodiums are flowering well. Neat and tidy, they will flower for ages.
Rhodanthemum Casablanca are showing well with bushy grey foliage and lots of bud and flower on show. We have another flower flush on the ever popular Scabiosa Butterfly Blue. It just keeps on going. Autumn flowering Cyclamen hederifolium are on the way. A few flowers showing but not quite enough to highlight it on the list.
Have a great week from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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