Monday, 7 September 2020

Hairy Outing

 Hi Everyone,

A bit early, I feel, for the dip in temperatures, but at least it seems a bit more settled and a bit less damp in the local forecast for the next week or so. No signs of an Indian summer so far which would have been handy for plant growth and sales, but it still might happen. To be fair sales are still bowling along so we are not complaining.

I daren't say we have nearly caught up with the nursery work, because it blatantly isn't true, but we are getting there. The backlog of potting is miles shorter and the number of tunnels to be cleared dwindling rapidly. I have even got to the point of thinking what site improvements we can get stuck into in the next couple of months. Rescuing and improving the drainage system will be a priority, as well as recovering those tunnels that have split their covers over the summer. We might even get time to do this before the cold really sets in, which would be a joy because the sheets go on so much tighter if warmed up a bit in some early autumn sunshine.

This will be the first 'no potting Saturday' for ages, and a chance for a short lie in before another session of label printing. Another week or two and the wooden label stock levels will be back up to 'normal' which will hopefully result in fewer calls for emergency print runs during the despatch process, we can then relax a bit more as the seasons pressures gradually reside. Managed a trip to the local agricultural store for some chicken food last weekend, my first trip out in a mask, very exciting. Hardly anyone there, so fairly relaxed, but just not wanting to touch anything. Not quite what it used to be and no real end in sight. We are very lucky to have been allowed to bounce back so quickly, there are so many who are still scuppered by it all. I can't think when our modern jive sessions will start up again and I do miss them. It was something that dragged me off the nursery each week and forced me to think of something else for a while. With a brain as small as mine, it doesn't take much these days to fill it and trying to remember the moves you have just been taught is tough enough, let alone adding in those you did last week. Brain overload every time, but a lovely crowd to dance with and have a catch up. However you couldn't pick a much worse pastime for social distancing, lots of different partners, close personal contact, heavy breathing and all the rest, and that's before you start dancing! One day we be back, no matter how alien that type of behaviour seems at this time. Collecting new sofa and chairs tomorrow will be the weekend highlight. The current set are shot and completely threadbare and the offer of an old 1930's suite was too tempting to refuse. We have only seen a couple of snaps of the chairs and nothing of the sofa but they look entertaining. Quite small seats but huge roll-over arms and big fat backs, they look very 30's, if not very space efficient! The covers look like they have seen a lot of life and all it could throw at them, but a few drapes will disguise that out until we have tested them out and decided whether to go for the full reupholstering (might have to take it up as a new hobby).

Availability list highlights

Salvia nemerosa varieties are all budding up nicely. Particularly good this week are fresh plants showing colour of Pink Marvel and Blue Marvel too. They carry bigger flowers than most other varieties and good strong colour. Don't miss them I don't think they will hang around long. Fresh batches of Scabious Mariposa looking good with buds appearing. Ajuga's are looking great, bold fresh foliage and a few buds coming too. New on for this week are a fresh batch of chunky strong Liriope muscari which are producing a few flower stems now. Persicaria Inverleith are in bud and showing some colour. Darjeeling Red have bud too.

Strong batch of Nepeta Junior Walker now in bud and showing a little colour. A properly compact form of catmint. New batches of Salvia Amethyst Lips and Hot Lips are in bud and flower again. As the summer moves on we shift into Aster season. We have a great range of healthy chunky stock at the moment and the buds are now showing. A new crop of Verbena Lollipop are ready, plenty of colour but not too big.

Tradescantia Blue and Gold still going strong, buds still popping up, just a few left. Fresh Helleborous are now on the list, ready to plant out now for a flower show this winter. We have the first few niger and orientalis on the list now as well as some strong chunky foetidus and argutifolius. Short and bushy Penstemon Garnet are showing bud now. A late potting that looks full of promise. Sour Grapes looking good too although I can't see bud yet. Attractive foliage colour on our range of Heuchera. Young and fresh. Sedum Autumn Joy are in bud. Classic late summer flowering and so good for the bees, trimmed back earlier to produce nice short plants

Take care out there, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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