Morning all,
That was a very hot week, we have all nearly melted. Not the easiest week to have our busiest week for 5 weeks, but we got there and today is definitely a little fresher. Looks like it is going to be too stormy this weekend for some, with potential for localised flooding again, but at least the temperatures look set to be lower over the coming week. Having seen the hot forecast I was convinced we would be busy pricking out and potting for much of this week but we only managed to get going on that half way through Friday. Not too worried, I would rather clear some stock at this stage in the season and make some more space.
The NHS plant gift project we started with the local surgeries and vaccination centres last week, has mushroomed to include three of the local hospitals who look set to hoover up whatever we can find them of what we call our 'fete stock,' of which there is quite a bit at the moment. Their staff have been surprised and very excited by their deliveries and we look set to have a good clear out over the next couple of weeks. It certainly beats dumping it all and makes us all feel a lot better. Lost a few pounds this week when I had to don full PVC kit in the heat of the midday sun for one of our occasional acid deliveries. Luckily with our bunded bulk tank it is a simple 'pump over' job all performed by the driver using his own hoses and compressed air supply, moving the acid direct from his tank on the lorry into ours. I am just on the scene as extra safety cover, with head to toe coverage and a hose and lance, 'just in case'. I still find it all a bit tense making as it isn't nice stuff to deal with if it ever gets out and the transfer kit makes quite a bit of noise which just adds to the tension. As usual it all went really smoothly and half an hour later, after washing everything down, I was able to pour myself out of my suit and wellies and evaporate. All that effort just to tweak the hardness of our water, but the plants love it.
Naturally right in the middle of the hottest week of the year the irrigation system throws a wobbly. The main inlet valve fixing nut split, threatening to disable the whole set up, but luckily held together with a generous dose of gaffa tape and clips. The replacement arrived today but can only be fitted by cutting the PVC pipe around the valve to get the old one off, before adding a new bit of pipe to fit the new valve in, all good fun. I was all prepared with the right pipe fittings already in stock but couldn't find any 50mm pipe and I'm absolutely sure I could remember seeing some that was left over from the original installation. A new piece was only a few quid but really expensive to deliver and I just new there must be some somewhere. Found it eventually, I had been using it as my nematode stock solution stirring stick for the last five years. It was leaning against the internal wall in the pump shed, just a few feet from the valve. That's another two hours I won't get back.
Availability list highlights
Nice range of the scented Phlox Sweet Summer series just coming into bud, Multiple stemmed and looking good. Lavender Spear Blue, very bushy with loads of bud and the odd flash of colour, just perfect for those smelly lavender sales. New hardy Gerbera range in 4 lovely colours, just fab, real impulse plants and flower for ages. Only a few left.
Compact Achillea Milly Rock Red has loads of bud, with colour. The mini Chrysanthemums are back on the list and producing bud. Very compact and bushy in a good colour range. Dainty Lewisia Elise in flower. Flowers all summer in a range of pastel colours.
Some Crocosmia are now showing bud (George Davidson). The other colours will follow on quickly. Tiarella wherrii (Foam Flower) is in flower with its short spikes of tiny creamy blooms. A popular summer star is the Platycodon which are on the list again and both varieties are already in bud.
Two Oxalis varieties up and flowering, Iron Cross with two tone leaves and red/pink flowers and triangularis with its deep purple foliage and contrasting pretty pale pink flowers. Both impressive. All the Hemerocallis varieties are producing flower stems and bud, now with the odd opening flower.
Osteospermum Tresco Purple is still selling like hot cakes. We have several batches potted and flowers are opening.. Most of the Lobelia's are coming into bud, the odd flash of colour and attractive foliage to back them up. Lots of bud and some colour on our ranges of compact Leaucanthemums and Coreopsis.
Summer favourites the Gaura are all coming into bud and flowers opening on many, a nice range of colours bushy plants. Our Dianthus have been in bud a while now and the scented flowers are now open. Only a few left. Compact Campanula's (carpatica, Clockwise and posharskyana) are colouring up, about to show off their summer displays. Our two forms of Erodium have lots of tiny open flowers all over the plant surface with plenty of bud to follow. Helichrysum Nevada range has an impressive display of bright papery flowers.
Take care out there, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries
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