Sunday, 5 September 2021

Hairy Manual

Morning all,

Back to  a five day week next week so hoping to have a real good bash through some of the remaining potting and pricking out which still seems to be a bit behind. Bank Holiday Mondays potting went really well, it was well worth dragging a team in to bump up the volumes done. It certainly helped this week's totals completed, as we had a bit of a disaster on Friday which is usually our most productive day. Mid morning the take-off conveyor stopped and wouldn't restart. The motor and chain drive were fine but the end of the conveyor driveshaft had worn down to a cylinder shape so the square motor drive connector could no longer turned it. It has been on the cards for months, if it hadn't been that then the belt was quite close to breaking and the internal rollers no longer rolled, so we were lucky it lasted this long really. I had already got in a new replacement belt and accumulation table which I was planning on fitting over the winter, so it was just a matter of wheeling them into position plugging them in and away we go. Good plan, rubbish execution! Needed an extra conveyor stand, no problem, plenty round the back of the barn. All looked good until we tried adjusting the height, rusted solid and no amount of hitting with lump hammers could shift them so ended up adding some wooden 'spacers' cable tied onto the stand. Next, turn it all on, belt turns but the table doesn't. Eventually work out the correct combination of buttons and knob positions to get the table going (what's an instruction manual?) and both are running in reverse. Rewire the 3 phase supply to run the right way and the belt works nicely at an adjustable speed, but the table is whizzing round and tipping off the pots. Eventually work out that we could reposition the drive roller to the outside of the table (what is this manual everyone keeps mentioning?) to slow the turning speed, but it is still too fast. Adjusted the take off guide arm to push the pots further onto the table which slows the speed to a manageable level and off we go. Two hours lost so coming in again tomorrow to try and catch up. I think in the end the new set up will be more efficient because the machine as a whole doesn't need to stop as often, but we might need a bit more electrical kit to slow up the turntable motor. Oh the joys of nursery production.

A mini heat-wave due next week which hopefully will help the farm get through the bulk of the remaining harvest. After a stuttering and damp start which looked a bit worrying for a while, they have had a good run over the last couple of weeks so hopefully they can get most of it cut and in the barn. Harvest pressure then falls away to be replaced by the race to re-sow for next year and off they go again.

Back in the real world, I still can't quite believe Charlie Watts has left us, a man who knew what he liked. He loved his drumming and the fact that he was in one of the biggest bands ever, was financially very convenient, but never really dominated his life. In recent years we were very lucky to see him play at least 4 times, once with the Stones at Southampton football stadium which was a fantastic rock and roll performance and the other times in little clubs, pubs and theatres locally, playing in the Boogie-Woogie group he was part of with our favourite pianist Ben Waters. It was great to see such a legend playing for fun and slightly bizarre to be able to see him so close up in such a small audience. Now all extra treasured memories.

Availability list highlights

Oxalis Iron Cross with two tone leaves and red/pink flowers. A fresh short bushy batch in bud and ready to go. Anemone varieties coming into bud and flower. Fresh batches of bushy dwarf Bran Series Chrysanthemum coming on with bud appearing. The repeat flowering Hemerocallis Big Time Happy is flushing again with bud and flower, looking strong and pretty. Summer is still in sight with the Armeria's still with flowers coming. Nice chunky and bushy Verbena rigida coming into bud just a few left.

Fresh batches of Salvia Sensation and Marvel series are looking good, buds about to appear if not there already. A couple of Campanulas are still flowering nicely on strong plants. Posharskyana and Clockwise are the best. Still have some strong hardy fuchsia looking smart and colourful. The dainty and upright white flowered Hawkshead look fab. Asters are coming along with bud now appearing on Lady in Blue and Starlight. More to come over the next few weeks. 

We have some colourful foliage plants in stock. Silver leaved Stachys and Artemesia, purple leaved Heuchera, plus a couple with paler marbled foliage. Euphorbia are there in a range of colours too and the stripy golden grass Carex Evergold. We have some really strong and colourful Ajugas to watch out for. The variegated foliage of Pulmonaria Opal and Mageste are very smart, ready to build up a head of steam for their spring flower display. Osteospermum Tresco Purple are still selling well with flowers and buds opening. Our two forms of Erodium have lots of tiny open flowers all over the plant surface with plenty of bud to follow. 

Take care out there, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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