Morning all,
Still really mild here, but not much in the way of sunshine. Never mind, the wind did get up for a few days so October has got off to a good start on the turbines. We are quite excited to see where our electric export rate goes in March, but it is a long way off yet and the energy company we sell to must be relieved at getting some power at such a reduced rate. Sadly for them we are only a tiny exporter! The wholesale price has gone from just over 4p last November to nearly 17p last week which is nuts. I feel the potential fallout from all this has yet to be truly realised, but it will encourage a lot more energy conservation which must be a good thing.
Our last container of pots is currently held up in Sri Lanka as we wait for a reduction in container shipping costs. The market remains extremely high with the cheapest rate we can get at well over $10,000 rather than $1,200 of a year ago. I am told by a shipping lawyer I met, that virtually the whole container shipping system is now controlled by a very few large shipping companies and I must admit to being a bit suspicious as to how the market is being manipulated. Hopefully it will settle down soon but I suspect it may take a while. I'm sure lots of people will be holding off on shipping goods, hoping for similar results, but that builds in more pent up demand and we are back to square one. I just hope we can cope with the cost implications.
On the bright side, we have finished the annual stock take which achieved all the usual levels of fun. Just need to get all the other numbers crunched to see if it was all worthwhile. We are hoping there is a bit of a surplus as we are looking to kit out some of our staff in some fancy (not) hairy pot themed kit. We have had a few samples done and they look ok, might need a tweek here and there, and then decide on what items to include in the range. My hat, made out of a hairy pot, failed to make the cut, but you may notice a bit more of a hairy pot vibe coming from our drivers as we go into the next season. I know it's not exactly earth shattering news, as I'm sure most of you retailers out there will have their team kit all lined up, but for us in mucky hairy pot land it is quite a novelty. We are not making it a compulsory uniform, as it may be regarded as less than cool for some, but it will be nice to reinforce the hairy pot theme and ethos through the whole nursery. I must admit I have always been a bit hesitant at this sort of idea, but the consistency it gave my conference video and panel session last week did sway me a bit more in favour of doing more.
Big week on the social front, with a great gig at King Somborne Village Hall (The Hawkmen - blues and rock and roll band based in Bristol, can't go wrong with guitar, bass and drum) followed by a return to a bit of jive dancing later in the week. It's been a long time coming, but now some of the work pressure has reduced, I feel I can risk a bit of hand to hand combat over the odd evening. I had forgotten how mentally absorbing learning new stuff like dancing can be. Great fun and a big brain break from nursery stuff, must do more. After 18 months away I wish I could say it was like riding a bike, but it wasn't, it took a while before a few moves returned to the muscle memory. Luckily it was a new venue and I hardly knew anyone so a bit less embarrassing!
Autumn wooden box collections have started
Lots of our wooden trays have already been collected up, but if you have a collection of trays ready to go, please do drop me an email and we will call in a pick them up as soon as we are in your area. At a replacement cost now in excess of £10 a box now, we can't afford to lose too many. .
Availability list highlights
The long flowering Cyclamen coum varieties are coming along with the odd flower opening already. This coum series we are growing, flowers continuously from September to April given reasonable winter conditions, it is really hardy although the number of flowers open at any one time is more subtle and modest than some of the very showy modern and less hardy pot cyclamen. A favourite of ours, Anemone varieties coming into bud and flower. Some are quite tall now but strong stemmed. The repeat flowering Hemerocallis Big Time Happy is still flowering, looking strong and pretty. Asters are coming along with colour showing.
We have some colourful foliage plants in stock. Silver leaved Stachys and purple leaved Heuchera Euphorbia are there in a range of colours too and the stripy golden grass Carex Evergold. We also have some really strong and colourful Ajugas to watch out for. The variegated foliage of Pulmonaria Opal and Mageste are very smart, ready to build up to their spring flower display.
Take care out there, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries
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