Monday, 15 August 2022

Hairy reflections

Morning all,

Just a couple of scorchers to go and then thankfully some cooler weather to follow next week. Looks like a few thunderstorms might be on the cards but still no bog standard rain for the south on the horizon. The weather and water situation has definitely hit both our production and plant sales. We haven't been able to do the work we wanted, hours have been reduced and demand has slipped. Not a lot we can do about it in the short term so just have to do our best.

Sorry the list is a bit late this week, it has been hard to find the time to get out and check what's there! Luckily the irrigation system has just about coped, but I know how quickly it can all go wrong as the odd nozzle blows off or tap gets accidentally turned off, so we are always on tenterhooks and checking how things look as we work around the site.

I have had to start turning the news off as it there seem to be so many pretty catastrophic reports. I know ignoring them won't make them go away, but at least I can try on focus on some more positive aspects of life and get some energy back. The clear skies have meant great night time moon views this past week and hopefully we might get good sightings of the meteor shower due over the next few days. Nothing like some stellar activity to improve marvel levels.

Last weekend before trekking out on my first jive evening for 5 months, I did a bit of research online for a few tips to remind me what I'm supposed to be doing. In the end I picked up some decent thoughts on making the most out of my time here. For someone with a need for a degree of freedom in most things I do, to cope with memory, discipline and balance frailties, being able to adjust what I do on my own whim is a must. Modern jive is a dance which suits me, as I get to, more or less, make it up as I go. There are a vast number of moves (of which I can remember only a few) most of which are fairly relaxed about accurate feet positioning, they just need a good lead from the chap (or lead dancer). My main worry is usually about remembering a selection of different moves during the dance, working out what might come next and how to execute them. I have seen this problem affect the dancing style of many a chap, with the temptation to try and make it an olympic event of a dance, doing the widest variety and the most complex of moves in an effort to look like you know what you are doing. The best advice online I found, was not about the moves, but a reminder that the aim for the lead was to make his partner look and feel good. Each one will be different just as each tune is different, and picking up on what works for each is a key skill. A laugh or smile from a partner on the floor is the best reward, you have provided what they wanted and it encourages you to relax and do more. It definitely works on the dance floor and for many in life too. Aren't many of the happiest and most dynamic people those who are driven by doing things for others. I know the financial situation is pretty scary, but money isn't everything, there are other rewards out there, we just have to recognise and enjoy them. 

Availability list highlights

Still plenty of lovely looking stock despite the heat, don't hold back, get some bud and colour on those benches. A surprise flush of buds on the Geum Lemon Drops, don't miss out they won't hang about long. Summer favourite the hardy Osteospermum Tresco Purple looks strong and bushy and swelling buds and colour are visible

Autumns flowerers are on the march with more and more fresh Asters coming into bud. Japanese Anemones are flushing nicely with the occasional flower stem already. Potted an early batch of Cyclamen hederifolium which have surprised me by starting to flower already, An autumn flowering type they are looking good,

Tiarella with it's pretty and short 'foam flowers' are looking great. Just a few of the purple/pink Erodium Bishops Form left. Neat, tidy and in flower. Goes on for ages. The late performing Cerostigma plumbaginoides have their first buds appearing and the odd deep blue flower opening.

Gaura looking fab with lots of buds, as have the Rhodanthemum, both good selling summer favourites. Blue flowered and compact Platycodon are ready to roll. Not got many left now. Crocosmia are going well. Showing colour now and looking great. Verbena Lollipop in flower again on nice compact plants.

Loads of bud and pretty little flowers showing on both Calamintha compact varieties. Fresh batch of the cerise/red Penstemon Garnet are in bud again, with colour flashes. Time flies and we have our first dwarf Chrysanthemums in bud. Lots more to come. Ever popular summer flowering perennial Salvia Lips series are doing their thing, Amethyst Lips looking the best. Plenty of bud to come on the little alpine Lewisia, already showing colour in attractive mixed pastel shades

Have fun, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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