Morning all,
A rare lull in the rain today with some welcome sunshine and the world looks more acceptable again. I know it will be short lived as tomorrow looks wet again. If we are going to have bad weather now is the time I suppose and the reservoirs and aquifers definitely needed topping up. I can safely predict a dry spell coming, from the beginning of March when our rain water harvesting installation gets finished.
We are experiencing a similar situation with the wind at the moment. One of the turbines had a flexible coupling fail on Christmas Eve and since then it has been really windy, so windy that the engineers can't get up the tower to mend it. We had a really poor year on turbine output in 2022 with only one month of above average output. 2023 has started really strongly but we have lost out on 33% of the returns we should have had, ace. Hoping for a rearranged mending visit next week, fingers crossed it isn't too wild and the wind doesn't die back afterwards. I suppose on the bright side the last three weeks of reasonable output will help pay for the repair.
Got the Peugeot van through its MOT this week. Its starter motor died during the pre-inspection and some fancy electronic exhaust valve ceased up so after emptying the bank account it sailed through. At least it is ready for the new season. The other three are all due theirs over the next few weeks so fingers crossed all goes well.
I got stuck into the new packaging regulations this week, life is just so thrilling. If we qualify, (not sure at this stage), we have to start recording all our packaging use for lots of different materials, as from the beginning of 2023. We don't need to report them officially until January 2024 (we would be a small producer) but will have to have the records for the year ready to go. The tricky thing is that the rules have still not been clarified and the more you look into it the more complex it seems to get. We have gone to huge efforts over the years to eliminate plastic packaging being sent out with our plants (pots, trays, POS and labels) but we still have to weigh and record all the different materials sent out, even if they are reusable or totally natural and biodegradable. Another massive job to do with no return. I am hoping for some clarification when I attend the BPOA online seminar next week. That's something to look forward to!
Ok now for something definitely worth looking forward to, tonight's dessert. Over the last three years there has been a foodie trend happening in St Ives which we have loved. Many fancy puddings now come with a drizzle or slosh of PX and it's delicious. We had no idea what it was initially, but it turns out to be Pedro Ximenez Sherry and it is now all over the place. This Christmas we lashed out on a bottle (very cheap from most supermarkets) and had to buy another last week despite me being here on my own most of the time. It goes beautifully with simple ice creams or with Christmas cake/pudding and cream. I'm no sherry drinker, we have a part bottle of Harveys in the larder that must be 10 years old, but this is a revelation. Ok I don't get out much, but do give it a go and if you don't like it, send me the bottle.
2023 Retail price reviews
In view of our price increases (see below) don't forget to review your own retail prices and let us know ASAP if you want us to pre-price at new rates. I will have to update our records and make sure I have the printing plates ready to roll. Thanks.
2023 Prices
Prices for 2023, if you need to know them, are attached to the Mailchimp version of this email, together with a note about why the prices have risen as they have. Naturally it all comes down to those scary rising costs. We have desperately tried to keep our price rise as low as we can as we don't want to fuel inflation ourselves, or frighten off our customers, whether they are retailers or the final consumer, but margins are already pretty tight so there isn't much slack to accommodate these increases.
Availability list highlights
Winter and spring flowering Cyclamen coum are now available in small numbers with more coming on stream for later. Most are in bud with some colour showing. Spring must be on the way, the Pulmonaria are up with most varieties showing bud with the odd flash of colour.
The Aubretia Regado Red are in bud now with the odd flower opening. Do remember we are growing cold here so the cold snap next week may reduce the colour showing. The blue variety is close behind but will be fractionally later budding up. Spring bulbs are beginning to pop up and buds are already on show on both the little hooped petticoat Narcissus.
We have a good range of Helleborus in stock. The Christmas Rose Helleborus niger Advent Star have loads of flower and bud now. Not a lot of flower yet on the H. orientalis types but they are full of winter promise,
Best wishes from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.
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