Saturday 15 April 2023

Hectic and Hairy

Morning all,

That was a week to remember or possibly forget if I want to get some sleep. Manically busy over the shortened week after Spring made a brief appearance for a couple of days and the gardeners of the UK woke up and apparently went plant buying. Great news in theory, but crazy difficult to organise replenishment to everyone wanting it, especially when the previous weekend resulted in a shortage of bodies on the ground. To be fair we had a good turnout on Good Friday for some nursery repair and production, and another on the Bank Holiday Monday to try and get ahead on the order preparations. 

We were just about going to squeeze everyone in by the end of Friday when one of the vans packed up, just 45 minutes from base, on its way off on a fairly long trip. The air suspension had failed, which is a new one on us, but basically meant our low loader box was nearly dragging on the floor. Luckily for everyone it happened just before a service station and the driver was able to pull in safely there and summon assistance. Having broken down at about 9.00am it took a couple of hours for the breakdown man to assess it and several more hours for the recovery truck to arrive. The hydraulic system on the recovery truck then failed, with a blown seal, and he had to wait for repair before we could eventually get loaded! All back home and unloaded by 6.30pm. To cap it all when everyone had gone, I moved the van and pressed the button which can manually raise the suspension, it rose! I'm sure will be something wrong somewhere in the system as all the warning lights had been flashing and the suspension had gone, but at least it doesn't seem to be the compressor itself, or the bags that hold the air. Hopefully it will be a control hiccup and easily sorted. Those deliveries are now on a second van and left site for delivery tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Weather has been atrocious here again for most of the week. Very windy indeed for a while, hail storms, lots of rain and not very warm. We even lit the wood burner in despatch for the breaks so we could all warm up a bit and dry off. Look like an improvement over the next few days so we will soon forget this week.

The chaps were back repairing our tracks to some sort of useful condition again after all their trench digging and filling. They didn't quite have enough track surface material to finish it all, but we will do that ourselves next winter when we can tidy up properly, we just need the nursery back to ourselves for a bit!

There are rumours that the idea of mounting our potential solar panels onto an adapted glasshouse vent system is taking shape. I'm hoping they keep it simple, effective and relatively cheap, so that it pays back quickly through the extra energy generated.

It's easy to get lost in your own worries sometimes, I know I get thoroughly drowned in them at times of mayhem.

However we do feel for our new neighbours, who have been going through their peak lambing time over the last few weeks and the weather has been so against them. Sadly they have lost quite a few youngsters in the wet and cold, their quad bike and trailer relentlessly going in and out on rescue missions during all hours. I just heard him go past again as the rain batters the office roof. I doubt somehow they will be counting sheep to get themselves to sleep, if they manage to get any, a bit too close to home.

I need to go, it's getting late and I need a lie down. Potting team in tomorrow and I am promised some sunshine, so hoping to find my happy face again. Must find it before Tuesday as it's time for dancing at the Winchester Guildhall again with 150+ other modern jiver's. Back after more than 3 years, after the council changed the booking rules post covid, it should be a great night for dancing away the blues and all that.

Availability list highlights.

Not much to report on the 'highlight front' other than we do have a fair amount of stock, it just isn't in flower. Anything with a hint of a flower has sold out over the last two weeks. Phlox paniculata are shooting strongly. A great overwintered crop in a good range of colours. Nice Hosta range with many now starting to unfurl their leaves.

Lots of Echinacea in a good range. A late one to appear but then goes nuts. Currently nicely within the pot! Some lovely Asters, very strong overwintered stock, but quite a while from flowering. A batch of super strong Sedum Autumn Joy, a great one for the pollinators later in the summer. Great low groundcover with flowers not too far away are the Sanguisorba Tanna, very popular among the garden designers and landscapers.

Best wishes  from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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