Saturday 6 May 2023

Short and Hairy

Morning all,

The title is 'Short and Hairy' and that is what this week's message will have to be. It has been extremely busy, we have shipped out lots of stock and I have run out of hours in the week again. I can't quite believe we have two four day weeks in a row and we are only past the first one. At such a busy time the last thing we need is less time, but hey-ho it is what it is and I'm sure lots of people will be having a lovely time over the next day or two.

It will be interesting to see how the celebrations and jollities over the long weekend impact on plant sales. I know the Jubilee weekend last year was a bit of a disappointment and rather curtailed  gardening activity, but that was slightly later in the year.

I will try and find some time next week to think of some exciting news but right now I need to lie down, we have an early potting shift tomorrow so some of the crew can go home and watch the procession and fly past on the telly. Luckily I have been able to stretch the shift to run on a bit later with a few non-royalists, so we should get a bit extra done. Tunnels have been cleaned today so space is ready and machine topped up for a flying start.

If only we had a couple of extra days to get the machine running a bit longer, very frustrating, but it's the same every year you think I would be used to it by now!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend whatever you are up to.

Availability list highlights.

Not much to report on the 'highlight front' other than we do have a reasonable amount of stock of perennials, it just isn't in flower. Anything with a hint of a flower has sold out over the last few weeks. Frustratingly cool weather and low light levels is slowing growth of the fresh stock but things are coming on line again gradually. Lots more to come over the next few months.

Herbs are frustratingly a bit short after high demand, some winter losses/damage on some lines and a lack of growth on the fresh stock. There will be lots to come but not for a few weeks..

Phlox paniculata are shooting strongly. A great overwintered crop in a good range of colours. Lots of Echinacea in a good range. A late one to appear but then goes nuts. Currently nicely within the pot! Some lovely Asters, very strong overwintered stock, but quite a while from flowering.

A batch of super strong Sedum Autumn Joy, a great one for the pollinators later in the summer. 

Best wishes from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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