Sunday 5 November 2023

Hairy 'State of the Union'


A bit of a wild week with one storm after another. Thursdays named one wasn't quite as bad here as expected with only one dead tree falling overnight, between two tunnels. Luckily it inflicted only minor puncturing to one covering sheet. However we had already had a squally night on the Tuesday and a short power cut during a gusty squall and this popped out a wing tip on all three turbines (again) causing them to stop. It remained too windy to climb the masts to reset them until late on Wednesday when we managed to reset two before it got dark, then we reset the third in a lull this morning. Not much fun but at least all three are now bowling along before we slip away later for a short break. The turbines are due their annual service in the next 2 weeks when they will rebalance the brakes to reduce the likelihood of a repeat event, fingers crossed.

We had our 'State of the Union' presentation this week where I summarise how we have fared over the last year, all the ups as well as the occasional downs and then present the plan for 2024. All the numbers and potential changes can be a bit daunting if you are not careful, but by recapping on previous improvements in output and efficiency it is quite easy to illustrate how it can be done without too much pain and disruption. If it all goes to plan we will have a flush of 50 or so new varieties to offer and a 25%+ increase in the total volume potted. Quite an increase, but we know the demand is there, we have the plants grown and more programmed for spring potting. An extra container of pots has been ordered, more labels and boxes made and new staff lined up and I'm pretty sure we can shoehorn it all in somewhere. Time will tell.

Despite the vast number of years under my belt, when winding down might normally be the name of the game, we can't really afford to step back on production. If we are to maintain profits levels in this challenging world we are going to have to be bold. I know we are very lucky that what we produce is received so positively and we are very grateful to be in this relatively positive position, so thanks to all for your ongoing support. Hopefully next year we can fulfil more of your Hairy Pot demands with even more yummy stock.

Please do keep this list handy if you are thinking of a top up over the next couple of weeks as there won't be a fresh list next week. The rest of the crew are here or out on the road, so feel free to call or email. You should get a response in time, when Greg finds a moment to get into the office after dealing with the mile long list of 'to do' jobs I have just left him with!

Prices for 2024

The last couple of years have seen some explosive cost increases in the after affects of the pandemic, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and now Gaza. We were forced over that time to increase our prices by more than ever before, but still below the inflation rate and definitely well below the rate at which our own costs have risen. However, improved efficiencies, reduced waste and increased output do appear to have made up some of the difference and kept margins workable. Labour remains by far our biggest cost and wage rates rose significantly this year and will again in the coming year, but we are hoping other costs are beginning to settle down and are not rising quite as quickly.

There will be a price rise at the end of the year, but we are keeping it to 4%, at 10p per pot.

I know the recent HTA report on plant prices says price increases will result in fewer sales, but absorbing costs is not a grower option here, 'turnover is vanity, profit is sanity' and all that. There is so little margin involved at the growing end that removing more of it makes no financial sense. We have to be financially sustainable as well as environmentally that way.

Availability list.

Cyclamen coum pink and white forms are already on the list and showing the occasional bud. These will usually flower from October through until well into Spring, with a tasteful sprinkling of flowers rather than being drowned in them. There are already a few flowers on the Helleborus niger varieties so Santa can't be far away!

New varieties of H. orientalis for us are Halcyon Early Dark Red and Halcyon White Spotted which have both surprised us by showing a few buds already, especially nor the white one. Both are intended to be quicker flowering varieties, whereas some of the others can be a bit shy until their second season.

The ever-giving Erigeron karv. Stallone is available in bud again this week and should be around for ages as this is our big overwintering batch we are into now. If the weather is with us we often still have colour up to Christmas.

Wooden box collections

Most of our boxes are now collected, cleaned dried and stored away in the barn but if you have any of our wooden boxes ready to return and aren't expecting to order anytime soon, then please do drop us an email and let us know. Thanks. 

Take care out there, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.

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