Monday, 27 April 2015

Hairy Hats Fitz

Morning all,
Immigration is a very hot topic. Apparently there is a Hoopoe in Crawley village, couldn’t get there today, too busy, but might try early tomorrow. Just look for the twitchers! Not seen one since primary school when one appeared next to the playground. Look it up if you don’t know it, a very exotic migrant.
Very busy again, tainted with mild panic as we get very tight on wooden tray stocks. We should have had a top up delivery 4 weeks ago but despite ordering in December they are still not ready! Ooops, one very embarrassed supplier. We would be very grateful for any returns over the next week or two as the system does get a bit tricky if we don’t get them back to reuse. I know they are very attractive and tempting to stack up and admire, but they do have a purpose and we are stuffed without them to hand, so all help appreciated, thanks.
Only got seconds to spare before popping off to the Hockey Club dinner, Caroline can’t wait! Last week’s Ball was great, totally exhausting dancing all night after a hectic week but a good time was had by all. There were some fantastic dancers there, putting us beginners in the shade but still managed to get picked up by a couple of strangers when I lost our crew between dance floors. I curbed expectations by introducing myself as a novice and I managed to keep a smile on their faces despite nearly taking out one girl with a forearm smash as I miscalculated her height. She was still laughing at the end despite the reduction in consciousness so all was well.
Saw Hat Fitz and Cara at a gig near Portsmouth last night, a brilliant performance. If you get the chance, go and see some live music, there is nothing quite like it. Check out

Last year we grew the popular Erigeron karvinskianus for the first time and sold out in a week. This year’s batch has just come on stream with buds already showing, don’t miss it. Hopefully this year the quantities we have will give us all a longer sales period!
The buds are up on the stunning pale blue Camassia cusickii, be quick they tend not to hang around long. The slightly later white variety has just started its bud production.
Fantastic colour and excitement with our Brunnera variegata, the foliage is bright and cheery and the blue forget-me-not flowers which are opening, contrast with the leaves beautifully.
All three of the Campanula glomerata varieties are in bud with the odd bit of colour showing.
Delightful little flowers of Erodium’s are beginning to appear.
I can see the flower stems and bud appearing among the glossy green foliage of the Geranium nodosum.
The lovely clear pink flowers of Geranium Mavis Simpson are close to appearing with loads of buds starting to appear on astonishingly bushy plants. Just a few left.
Salvia East Freisland is showing strong early bud as it bursts into really bushy growth. The other salvia are close behind. The Veronica gentanoides are looking great with flower shoots appearing already. Stunning pale blue flower spikes are a subtly coloured favourite of mine. Just a few left.
It must be spring many of the Hostas are showing their first strong shoots through the compost surface with a Erysimum Bowles, Apricot Twist, Pastel Patchwork and Red Jep are looking strong with tight buds. Knautia Red Knight starting to throw up its flower stems, with the promise of magenta flowers soon.
The Pyrethrum (Tanacetum) varieties are bushy and strong, the fresh ferny foliage provides a nice pot full and buds are now appearing.
The Phlox Flame varieties are showing really strong bushy growth.
The first few herbs are now available as spring growth begins. The warmer weather has added a strong growth spurt on many lines and they are looking delicious.
Have a good one, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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