Monday, 13 April 2015

Hairy Jive

Morning all,
A lovely dollop of fine weather over the last week, a bit cooler today but not a write off for gardening. The forecast for the next week looks pretty good too so let’s hope the gardening public loosen those purse strings and flex those credit cards and get the spring off to a flying start. Although the weather has been cool before this week, it has not been excessively cold and the rainfall here has been light resulting in some fantastic displays of early flowering. The early bulbs, wild primroses, hellebores and bergenias have all been stunning in the gardens and must help enthuse and inspire all who notice it. Even I’ve noticed so it must be good.
Not much room or time for rambling on this week, still trying to catch up from the short weeks and the appearance of more flowering stock has filled up my word quota. Too busy for very much socialising although had a delicious roast on Sunday only slightly spoiled by overdosing on chocolate later. Luckily I would appear to be less likely now to suffer from dementia, so not feeling too guilty. Working off the calories with plenty of daytime activity at this time of the season and adding a bit of extra activity on the odd evening out. Don’t laugh but we are having another go at doing some modern jive dancing. We did a bit about 15 years ago but it slipped off the radar when we got too busy but we always threatened to go back. I reckon it’s a bit like skiing (that’s how bad I am). What I mean to say is that when you are doing it I can’t think of anything else, it takes up so much of my brain space. The leading, move planning and body part co-ordination, let alone finding the beat is a fantastic distraction from all the daytime stuff, I can heartily recommend it. You do have to stick with it for a few weeks until you pick up some of the essentials but then it becomes much more enjoyable. We get 100+ at Winchester so it’s a buzzing evening and the old hands are very easy going on us beginners so a good time is had by all. Even as a beginner it’s a great ‘skill’ to show off at parties, just need to find some friends who still give them now.

Fantastic colour and excitement with our Brunnera variegata, the foliage is bright and cheery and the blue forget-me-not flowers which are just beginning to open contrast the leaves beautifully.
Doronicum Little Leo is a good early performer, lots of fresh green foliage with buds appearing now.
A few of the Aquilegia’s have started producing their spring flower stems, but we won’t have very many make it to full flowering as stocks are clearing fast. One of the earliest Geraniums to show colour is Samobor, there is colour now, contrasting nicely which the black and green leaves, but not very many left. Geranium nodosum will be very close behind, I can see the flower stems appearing amoung the glossy green foliage.
The simple classic Shasta daisy (Leucanthemum May Queen) is producing flower stems with the first buds showing amoung healthy verdant folige growth, be quick before they get too tall.
The first blue perennial Salvia (May Queen) is showing early bud as it bursts into growth.
The Veronica gentanoides are looking great with flower shoots appearing already. Stunning pale blue flower spikes are a subtly coloured favourite of mine.
It must be spring many of the Hostas are showing their first strong shoots through the compost surface with a few leaves beginning to unfurl.New batches of Erysimum Bowles Mauve, Apricot Twist and Pastel Patchwork are looking strong with nice tight buds. The Pyrethrum (Tanacetum) varieties are bushy and strong, the fresh ferny foliage provides a nice pot full.
The overwintered Phlox varieties are beginning to show their first strong shoots as spring draws close, more varieties are appearing as they emerge from winter slumber.
Dicentra spectabilis has burst through and there are early buds and colour showing. Goldheart is looking fab with strong bud appearance and great foliage colour. The first few herbs are now available as spring growth begins. The warmer weather has added a strong growth spurt on many lines and they are looking delicious.
Have a good one, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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