Morning all,
Apologies for the slightly late arrive of this week's update, but yesterdays heat and events resulted in a failure on my part to update the lists. It was a hectic week as usual, a slightly quieter week on the sales front but still busy, lots of tunnel clearing and potting and introducing three staff onto the team. We had our biggest module delivery of the summer, mostly stock for 2023 but it still needs dealing with and getting into a pot asap if we can squeeze them in somewhere. A sleepless night after their delivery as I had a bit of a panic that I might have over done on the volumes but on reflection I'm sure it will be fine, I can always adjust numbers for next time!
Hoping that the introduction of some new helpers will take off some of the pressure this summer, one full timer, one part and one returning summer casual. All seemed to settle in ok although it was a bit of a scorcher of a week to start them on, fingers crossed they return next week as we are going to need them for all the holiday cover coming up.
Next week may be a bit of a challenge on the delivery front, Phil our big van driver is away for a week as is his van for servicing and check-ups. On top of this our 1 year old Fiat is still in the garage having it's gearbox repaired. It's been away for at least two weeks already and although they have some of the necessary parts in stock, delivery of one part won't be until June 29th and the last part they can't even get a delivery date on. All reliant on Fiat supplies from Europe. It was suggested by the garage (a commercial Fiat franchise/dealer) that we contact Fiat directly ourselves to try and get it rushed over quicker, but the help line won't answer and the email sent hasn't been replied to yet. On top of this, how come it is our job to chase up spares? We are trying to produce, sell plants and save the planet, so don't have time to chase van parts!
So we are down to 2 vans this week but we can use Bleach of Lavant as back up for some trips and we may have to bite the bullet and hire something. I'm never keen hiring a van as they never fit the trolleys and payloads are usually very poor, but if needs must.
Other than the blistering heat yesterday and running short of potting compost I managed to put my back into spasm while shovelling up the last of the compost. Too much trying to help out! It's the first time it's been this bad since before covid and a bit of a shock. I added insult to injury while trying to rescue my back situation. I retired to the house for a big dose of painkillers and anti inflammatories followed by a spasm-breaking lie down on top of a carefully positioned tennis ball. In my effort to relax my back muscles into the ball I thought a little relaxing music might help so fished out the phone to find something suitable. My grip was compromised in the situation and I managed to drop it, which would normally be ok, but being on my back looking up at it at that moment it resulted in a direct facial hit with the corner of a surprisingly heavy device! Still sore but luckily no black eye to have to try and explain away.
Availability list highlights
As sales step back from manic levels and spring really gets warmed up we are gaining ground on having a bit more in bud and flower, plus the herbs are becoming more available too.
The hardy Gerbera Garvinea series are back this year and in bud or flower already. They are very vigorous so could out grow the pots quite quickly so just a short sales window for us on this one. Fresh crops of Dianthus in a good range of colours, bushy, lots of bud and well scented once the flowers open.
Most of the Echinacea are running up their first flower stems with bud showing. Only a little way off showing colour but definite signs of action. Run out of some varieties now but the ever popular purples of Magnus and Purple Splendour are still there. Large white daisy flowers of our Leucathemum range are ready to shine. All are compact varieties.
Summer flowering hardy Fuchsia looking good with buds on show for most. The tiny white flowered Hawkshead is always popular as are the garden favourite Mrs Popple. Fresh batches of the Dreameria series of Armeria are bulking up on flower numbers. Selected for their very long flowering period and large flower size they promise to be a great new garden addition.
Summer must be on its way with the appearance of the Oxalis. Both forms are now in flower with lots of follow on bud. Summer favourite the hardy Osteospermum Tresco Purple looks strong and bushy and swelling buds are visible, Gaura are producing buds now as are the Rhodanthemum both good selling summer favourites.
Penstemons are coming online now with buds now showing on the Garnet. Short buds are appearing on many of the Lupin varieties. They will romp away and produce another flush later when cut back. Fresh batches again of Digitalis and Delphinium but catch them quick before they get too big.
Have fun, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries
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