Monday, 6 June 2022

Hairy Jubilation

Morning all, 

'Normal' service resumed today with a little bit of time today to gather my thoughts, random though they may be. A bizarre week with overall sales being healthy but all crammed into the early part of the week to try and accommodate the Thursday/Friday Jubilee break as much as we could. It was a manic three days when I made myself mildly unpopular by pulling all the micro-prop lab staff out on Monday to help out in despatch. It worked out ok, we did make a few deliveries on Thursday but managed to tie everything up before today (Friday), so our staff could take part in the celebrations or at least have a break. We had a reasonable turn out for work on Thursday so managed to get a bit of tunnel clearing and potting done and the Saturday crew are in again tomorrow for another go. Looking forward to next week when we get back to 5 days and back under some sort of normality.

We are having a catch up today, sorting out some irrigation stuff, weed spraying, accounts and a couple of customer collections so we don't get bored. Managed to fit in my 10,000 steps by 9.30 (carrying a knapsack) so pleased to get my gym work out of the way so early. One or the highlights on my walk round was disturbing a partridge and her chicks in one of the tunnels. Tiny bundles of fluff bobbing about, they must have only just hatched in the last day or two. There are young birds all over the place at the moment, wagtails, blackbirds, robins, blue tits, spotted woodpeckers, the bird feeders are being topped up twice a day to try and keep up.

No sign of the deer recently thankfully, but we are keeping our pest controller busy with a stubborn small population of rabbits intent on eating all the choicest plants! Luckily over the last year or so a lot of them have been dealt with otherwise we wouldn't have any plants left to sell. The local Red Kites now have us on their radar as they keep an eye open for any carcasses left out for them. What a sight they are as they glide over the nursery. It's difficult to believe that just a few years ago we never used to see them here.

We are managing a bit of socialising over the weekend with a couple of meals out with sympathetic family and friends. The end to my socialising due to severe trouser shortage has been put off after the discovery of an old but unworn pair in the bottom of the wardrobe. They are a bit 'Rupert Bear' in styling for my liking but they cover a multitude of sins and I can get in them which is the priority at the moment. Fashion and cool are fading in favour of practicality and comfort, yes I'm that old!

Availability list highlights

As sales step back from manic levels and spring really gets warmed up we are gaining ground on having a bit more in bud and flower, plus the herbs are becoming more available too. It will be another week before we see any Basils on the list but it shouldn't be long. We don't have the heated facilities to risk growing them any earlier.

Fresh batches of the Dreameria series of Armeria are bulking up on flower numbers nicely. Selected for their very long flowering period and large flower size they promise to be a great new garden addition.

Feathery foliage of Coreopsis Zagreb is supporting plenty of tight bud, Nice and short. Only a few left. Papery blue flowers of Catananche aren't far away with flower shoots in evidence.

Most of the Echinacea are running up their first flower stems with bud showing. Only a little way off showing colour but definite signs of action. Run out of some varieties now but the ever popular purples of Magnus and Purple Splendour are still there. Fresh crops of Dianthus in a good range of colours, bushy, in bud and well scented when the flowers open.

Not a huge number left but the Liatris spicata are showing bud now if you are quick. Last few now.

Summer must be on its way with the appearance of the Oxalis. Both forms are now in bud and showing the odd flash of colour. Summer favourite the hardy Osteospermum Tresco Purple looks strong and bushy and swelling buds are visible. Penstemons are coming online too although flower may be a little way off yet.

We have nice fresh batches of the near black flowered Viola Molly Sanderson and the metallic sheen of Irish Molly flowers are looking good. The very summery sunshine yellow Viola Etain is in flower now too. The next batch of Scabious are now back in bud. More to come.

Helenium Salud Embers are strong, short and budding well. Proved the most popular strain last year with it's mottled yellow and orange/red petals and compact habit. Short buds are appearing on many of the Lupin varieties. They will romp away and produce another flush later when cut back.

Have fun, from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries

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