Monday, 13 February 2023

Hairy Display

Morning all,

Can't believe another week has flown by and I've still got a list of jobs as long as my arm I'm supposed to have got done, I might get a few done over the weekend as there might be fewer interruptions. It's been pretty cold again here with hard morning frosts and fog, which frustratingly holds back the plant growth. I'm just looking for those fresh spring growth spurts to herald some warmer days coming and get those gardening juices running. Not mine, mine ran out years ago, but those keen folk out there who are just waiting to unleash their purse strings in their desire to create a little bit of heaven at home. Just hoping there is enough left in those purses to keep us all afloat.

Not only have the orders started to build up but I had some big distractions this week, with a little trade show to attend as a exhibitor being the main cause of panic and a critical meeting on Friday at the Winchester Guildhall trying to secure a return to some regular evening exercise after a 3 year pause for covid.

It's been many years now since we exhibited at any trade shows as I'm not really very comfortable at pushing sales, it all seems a little showy and a bit too loud to fit easily within my comfort zone. I always thought, rather naively, that if we made the product good enough it would sell itself, although luckily over the last few years that has proved to be the case. So to be invited to a suppliers show for a chain of centres was a reawakening of all the joys of putting together a stand, sorting out how to get it there, manning it and getting it home again. When you see the display you might wonder what all the fuss was about, but it took a lot of farting about to get it to come together, especially after such a long break since the last one.

Luckily last year we put together a little training display bench on a converted trolley which was tastefully called 'The Trolley of Knowledge', and with a bit of remodelling it made a perfect focal point, acting as a hub for three trolleys of a fine collection of our plants. We selected a whole range of 'interesting' photos and extras to decorate the 'ToK' and it worked a treat. A few minutes to put together on site and quick to dismantle, we sold off most of the plants the following day, so not too much to sort out on our return. A lovely sunny day, meeting centre staff and senior management was, I'm sure, very worthwhile, although my back would probably beg to differ. How can standing about be so debilitating? Luckily I do have an effective cure, lie on your back with a tennis ball under the big muscles running up the side of your lower back. Try to relax the muscles allowing them to stretch around the ball and repeat on the other side. It breaks the tension build up in the muscles, elongating them while relaxing the whole area. Even better, use yoga style breathing techniques to increase the relaxation of the muscles for quicker and more effective relief. Our yoga teacher used to drive me to distraction when we first started on breathing exercises, I had been breathing for as long as I can remember without too many issues, why on earth would I need to learn how to do it again. Even worse was to come when we were asked to breath in through the top of the head and out through our toes, complete madness. There were many internal stubborn conversations about there being a lack of orifices to achieve this, but I must admit that when I let myself picture it mentally rather than fight it, it did relax and reduce pain in those areas I was supposed to be breathing out of. So do try it, breathing out of your back as you lie on your balls, as it were!

Fridays Guildhall meeting was to try and revive the Modern Jive classes and dances that used to be held there pre-covid. There is huge demand for a return but the Council changed the booking rules and staffing levels after covid, which stopped them from taking place. There used to be an average 110 dancers each week, with big weekend events and quarterly balls (breath out) of over 300. I have been helping out with an application of pressure on some of the councillors running the hall, to try and get some action and today was the culmination of  months of inactivity on their part. The hall manager Chris was a joy to talk with and a huge help, despite the fact that he initially couldn't see a way to facilitate a return. Eventually we compromised on a staggered return with the group allowed into the hall if there was other council activity going on elsewhere in the building. It's not perfect but it's a start and hopefully a full return will follow one day. Can't wait for the first return event, it should be a great party, just what I was hoping for when covid restrictions ended, but it never happened.

2023 Retail price reviews

In view of our price increases for 2023, don't forget to review your own retail prices and let us know ASAP if you want us to pre-price at new rates. I will have to update our records and make sure I have the printing plates ready to roll. Thanks. 

Availability list highlights

Winter and spring flowering Cyclamen coum are now available in small numbers with more coming on stream for later. Most are in bud with some colour showing.

Spring must be on the way, the Pulmonaria are up with most varieties showing bud with the odd flash of colour.

Spring bulbs are on the way and buds are already nicely on show on both the little hooped petticoat Narcissus varieties. 

Best wishes  from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.


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