Morning all,
Sales are ramping up now after another busy week. The steady weather pattern has helped I'm sure and we are hoping the cooler weather coming up won't turn out to be too disruptive.
We had a hectic week on top of those sales, with a big visit from a group of National Trust folk from different sites across the south east on Tuesday. I managed to 'entertain' them for two hours, well I say entertain, none fell asleep (it was too cold for that and they were standing up the whole time) and nice things were said at the end. I was awarded a tin of NT shortbread as well, which unfortunately wouldn't stretch round the whole team, so I bit the bullet and polished them off myself. The lengths I go to for the team.
Wednesday saw a visit from our solar man to do another site assessment now we have shown serious interest. We don't have any suitable roof space, so they will be ground mounted, which I quite like as it means I can get my hands on them (for cleaning if nothing else). I'm trying to get them to look into mounting them onto a frame that we can do some manual tilting on, allowing us to chase the lower winter sun and increase the output. We don't need anything fancy, just something like the old manual glasshouse venting systems that we can wind up and down a bit, once a month. I suspect it will be too much to ask, but if you don't ask you don't get. We sensibly pencilled in digging a big cable trench for the panels while the water recycling team are here, which would get the most disruptive job out of the way quickly.
Thursday was National Trust Net Zero seminar day, adding more challenges to my limited understanding of all the 'net zero speak' currently doing the rounds. The session was nicely done and did introduce to all the suppliers attending, how vital it was going to be to set off on their 'journey' towards net zero as soon as possible. The people telling us about how to do it were very honest about the dubious nature of a lot of the data currently being used to calculate carbon footprints, especially when you get into the minefield of Scope 3 emissions which I may have mentioned before, but we have to start somewhere. One phrase that has been doing the rounds recently is 'Science Based Targets' and how we all need to be using these to work out if we are doing the right thing, but I must admit it sounded to me like one of those wishy-washy phrases like 'environmentally friendly'. However I was wrong. Working everything out yourself and declaring yourself Net Zero in no longer acceptable, you need to do it using 'SBT's. Although a meaning for 'SBT's was read out it didn't really help: 'Targets are considered ‘science-based’ if they are in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement – limiting global warming to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C'. Ok have you got that, or have you dropped off?
Having Googled this afterwards it now makes a bit more sense, In theory if you want all figures properly verified EVERYONE has to sign up on the 'SBT initiative' website pay your dues (SME 's = $1,000-£2,000) to be confirmed as yes you are doing the right thing.
In theory there should be a competitive advantage by jump though all these hoops, but I have sore hips, knees and feet and I'm wondering if my hoop jumping days may be coming to an end.
Sadly dancing at the Guildhall has been delayed until late April, hope I'm Still Standing. Best wishes, Elton.
2023 Retail price reviews
In view of our price increases for 2023, don't forget to review your own retail prices and let us know ASAP if you want us to pre-price at new rates. I will have to update our records and make sure I have the printing plates ready to roll. Thanks.
Availability list highlights
Definite signs of spring showing now with rampant shootiness just around the corner. There is a definite feel of 'fresh and green' this week after a pleasant week on the weather front pushing some more growth.
Polemonium Heaven Scent is a stunner and looking great just at the moment. Finely cut bronzed green foliage is really smart and the pale blue flowers are now budding up. Grown in our own micro-prop lab it's not one you see everywhere.
Also from our lab are some very smart Brunnera varigata with nicely marked new leaves. Flowers will follow very soon. We don't have many this year, but the Primula denticulata and now shooting and showing bud.
Dicentra spectabilis are pushing through and instantly showing early bud. Spring bulbs are well on the way. Only a few dwarf Narcissus left now so don't hang about. Muscari Blue Magic now in bud.
Anemone blanda Blue Shades has suddenly made an appearance and already in bud. Only a few ready at the moment. Scilla sibirica with it's fabulous blue flowers are just poking through with the odd bud showing.
Best wishes from all at Kirton Farm Nurseries.
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